From aejones article:

Optimal 3-bet strategy against 15% optimal raising strategy in EP

Total 3-bet range
={value hands and 5-bet-bluff hands} + {3-bet bluff hands}
={KK+, A5s, A4s}
+ 20% x {A9s-A6s,ATo-A8o,K9s-K6s,KJo-K9o,Q9s-Q6s,QJo-Q9o}

Hero always 3-bets {KK+, A5s, A4s} and 5-bets all-in after a 4-bet. If he has one of the 152 combos from his candidate list for 3-bet bluffing, he uses a randomiser and 3-bet bluffs 20% of the time, and he folds to a 4-bet.