Hero 15% Raise  {22+, ATs+, KTs+, QTs+, J9s+, T9s, 98s, 87s, 76s, AJo+, KQo} =186 combos from EP.

If he gets 3-bet, she 4-bets {QQ+, AK} for value and calls a 5-bet with them. Those times hero doesn’t have a value hand, (e.g. hero has JJ, AJo, 76s, etc.), hero 4-bets 15% of the time as a bluff, and otherwise hero folds.

The percentage of value hands is then 34/186 =18%, while the effective percentage of bluff hands is 0.15 x (186 – 34)/186 =12%. The value/bluff ratio for her 4-bet range is 18/12 =60/40, which is optimal.

To randomize hero’s 4-bet bluffs and get the correct frequency apply a  15% 4-bet frequency for hero’s non-value hands by using a random number generator from random.org.