Dreaming of the top whilst playing at the bottom...

Author: VinnyTheViper

Poker player and bon vivant

Rule 1 – If you don’t know where you are in the hand don’t bet

You feel lousy as you wake up the next morning, the first thing that goes through your head is the the hand. After everything you’ve learned, after all the study, you’re still capable of playing like a total donk. Remembering Vanessa Selbst stick in $169,500 all in pre-flop in a cash game with Jd7d against Prahlad Friedman’s AhAd is little consolation.


I hate losing, even in a £60 competition, especially if I play badly. Blinds 300/600 50 ante raise from seat 5 an old steady guy in sunglasses to 1,200 call from cutoff. I bump it to 4,500 with AcKs from a stack of 32.5 K the initial raiser calls the other folds, giving me heads up in position.  The flop is monotone, all spades and low, the villain checks his cards for spades, and donk raises 5,000. I have position and a draw to second nuts but I feel my draw may be no good. The donk lead is nearly always a draw, with an over pair I’d shove, I decide to re-evaluate on the turn as I have position. Turn is a blank and he bets 10,000, I have 23,000 behind and should fold, I have ace high and my draw may not be good. I call, it is just an awful decision, it should be an all in or fold. The spade comes on the river and he checks to me, I have the second nuts and 13 K behind and put it all in…he calls with the nut flush. When you don’t know where you are in the hand don’t bet!! It’s 10:30 p.m.  I stare at the table and  then slowly leave my seat. I’ve just lost 50 BB, my tournament life and ruined my Friday night for no good reason. ” You were committed the old guy says, I would have called a shove on the flop…” I wasn’t, it was just bad play…simple fold on the turn…

Bankroll -£60

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This is my poker diary charting my journey through the levels and around the globe.




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