Dreaming of the top whilst playing at the bottom...

Author: VinnyTheViper Page 25 of 36

Poker player and bon vivant

Grinding 5/10 at the Bellagio Las Vegas

This is what poker really looks like playing 15 hrs and viewing a $200 loss as a result after being stuck for far more…

5/10 are the Small Blind and Big Bind amount in dollars. To buy in at this level you would have a minimum of $500 and a maximum of $1,500.


What Poker Players Have Won and Lost

I like Highstakesdb it keeps me up to date on where I want to be…click here

So Jason Mercier, Daniel Negreanu can’t beat games higher than $25/$50 on line with both down over $500K.  Jeans89 Jens Kyllonen has owned PLO for $5 Million.


Doyle Bluffing Big – Doug Polk


4-Bet sizing based on the effective stack size

Your 4-bet sizing should be dependent on the effective stack size.

As effective stacks get smaller so should your 4-bet sizing, as with most raises you should raise slightly more when out of positon.

30BB 4-bet 2 x 3-Bet

50BB 4-bet 2.25 – 2.5 x 3-Bet

70BB+ 4-bet 2.75- 3 x 3-Bet

Jungleman’s Top 5 Biggest Pots

Hand number two on this is brutal…

Top 5 Cash Games

Daniel Negreanu How have you never seen this video!! Wow!!


Ahhh shame my research showed it to be a prank…pity…

“As for the SikTilt interview, that guy is a jerk and I’m glad I threw him in the pool. He totally deserved it after that line of questioning… kidding, that was all just a joke too and they approached me with the idea earlier in the day and I thought it would be fun.”


Birthday Plans with Kid Poker – The Unicorn – Check raise river bluffs

Watching the PokerStars film Kid Poker at 11:30 pm so will bring in my birthday with Daniel Negraneau. I played a $109 entry to the Millions tournament on PartyPoker and got check raised all-in on the river, guess what he wasn’t bluffing.

You might as well just fold to river check raises as they are rarely bluffs. You won’t lose too much money folding to them in the long run, unless you are playing at a good level and by then you’ll know who is capable of it.

Playing the $110 at Aspers tomorrow, I was too tired tonight…tomorrow I’ll be ready…Birthday ready with a sense of entitlement…I have forgotten how to win…

Doug Polk – How much do Poker players make/have?

Not many people make money in poker and if they do it is not as much as you think. Doug works you through the math, most lose, some break even and good players earn a reasonable amount if they don’t have leaks.

Doug estimates  that only 15-20 people have netted over $10M from poker and managed to hold on to it. If you check out Erik Lindgren’s strory  you can see that one can have $10,302,598 of cashes in tournaments and still end up bankrupt.

Mid-Stakes pro playing 2$-$5 Zoom who is a solid regular will win  say 3BB per 100. This is a good win-rate and equals $150,000 if you play a million hands a year with rake back perhaps as much as $175-$200K.  This equates to 3,000 hands a day which may be a little too high and Doug estimates that $130K as a more reasonable figure.

At high stakes $25-$50 can’t play a million hands as can’t get in enough games to enable him to hit those numbers.

The current best player is otB_RedBaron who Doug estimates is making maybe $1.5 – $2M a year.

To enter a $100,000 dollar tournament and have 100% of your action you would need at least a $5M-$6M bank roll. However a $10M or more bank roll  would be more appropriate.

To have 40% of yourself in say the One Drop you would need $20M-$25M  to be properly bank rolled.

Circuit players  – A good one could expect to take home approx $300K-$400K  a year.

Players on a winning roll who end up bank rolling themselves to a higher percentage of their action are the one’s that make the real money. Players such as Fedor Holz or Dan Coleman are the outliers who’s streaks led to riches. Other’s go broke trying to replicate their success by taking “shots” at tournaments their rolls can’t afford.

Doug Polk – Vanessa Selbst and Helmuth’s Tom Dwan prediction

This has Helmuth blowing up against Tom Dwan and the prophetic line “We”ll see if you’re even around in 5 years” ….Go Phil spot on…

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