Dreaming of the top whilst playing at the bottom...

Author: VinnyTheViper Page 22 of 36

Poker player and bon vivant

Phil Ivey Dumps $3Million at craps – Major leakage

In Molly’s Game there is  reference to her seeing Phil Ivey drop $3 Million at craps one evening, I did see a video on YouTube where he supposedly lost $1 Million in an afternoon. I get the feeling Phil will be declared bankrupt soon, especially after the $10M Borgata ruling.


Won a $270 ticket

Came 2nd in a $270 satellite tournament with 56 runners  and then the tournament online day one immediately started. I ran into a set pretty early on holding an overpair and then got 20BB in with pocket eights to be called by pocket tens. I played for about 40 minutes, just awful. Cash took a turn for the better and despite playing some awful hands managed to get to £366 by 23:11 but playing on….Finished 00:52 with £348…

I’m somewhat tilted by fact the satellite was for an online day one as I like to play these live and would have liked to play it on a different day…still next time.

Cash all day and no gain…well a small one…

Played cash badly at 25NL and ended up with a balance of £311…slightly up.

I seem to do some ridiculous $25 bluff with no good reason on boards that don’t even give the Villain any concern…shoved into top set…must have thought I was the worst player on the planet. If I could cut out these huge leaks I’d be golden, trying to cut down my $VPIP% but it is proving difficult for me to get below 35%.

Played some $2 satellites and donked myself off and also played a $55 where I also needlessly donked myself off with AK when I’d missed the flop.

More Cash Up and then Down

Ran $25 up to $100 took a break then on returning the cards went against me and pretty much lost it all.

I didn’t play too bad but some coolers took some pots away from me on the river.

There was a spell where I could have been up a couple of hundred dollars, but river cards killed my hands, when I opened Queens an ace would fall and opponents would start betting.

The worst was where I flopped a straight and got in in against the nut flush draw and AK the tun was an Ace and river was a King for a runner runner full house for about $65 I then had a guy all in on the river holding the nuts and he rivers a flush with the 3 of hearts in his hand as the board puts 4 flush cards out for another $40 pot.

I came 8th in a $11 satellite to the $55  which paid 5, I shoved K 10 for 6BB into pocket kings. Played an awful hand when I was 5th in chips and lost a third of my stack c-betting a paired board and barrelling the turn. That is when I blew it….from there it all went down hill quickly…

Played till 01:12 my play was OK some dubious calls and some lousy bluffs.

Balance £304.20 it was £392 at one point in the session.


Morning Cash – Small loss

Played cash and drop some $ key pot where was I called a re-raise OOP with AJs and hit the Ace high flop, Villain bet flop and shoved the turn which gave me a flush draw. I called to find he had A3o for 2 pair on the flop. Down to £354.32

Perhaps I should have 4-bet as he had re-raised me several times, not sure about calling raises OOP with AJs.

Cash Update

Played some cash until 2 am whilst watching the FA Cup Highlights, started well  closing out about $50 up. Then I rejoined after some chores and donked of $50 or $75 dollars for no good reason just awful play on terrible bluffs. This is a major leak in my game, in the final hand I had re-raised the flop c-bet with a pair of 10s when in position a board 0f 234 to get called. When a 5 came on the turn I checked to my opponent who bet half pot for $3.5 and I put my last $8 dollars in for no good reason, to be shown an obvious A to 5 straight an “entitlement” call.

Cash total £367.91

Molly’s Game, cash all day and then bubble boy

Played $25 NL cash whilst I read Molly’s Game and ended up with a balance of £372.99, up about £100. I then played one of my $55 tickets and bubbled the £220 prize when I came 4th with 3 getting payed. I played really well but lost the crucial flip with AJ v 77 of Lolawalleye all-in preflop, terrible to lose £220 on a flip but that is poker.

Finished Molly’s Game, it is an interesting read, hopefully one day I’ll find myself in one of these high stakes cash games at a table full of rich fish. Molly got off with probation in the end and 200 hrs of community service, she came across as a tough cookie. Toby McGuire was described in less than flattering terms. Articles here  and here. They have also just finished filming the screenplay “Molly’s Game” this January. Film to be released this year I guess.



Notice when the cards turn and leave the game

I was playing well then the wheels fell off I hit top pair on a monoboard where the villain had flopped the nut flush. I then got it in with a pair and straight flush draw on the turn to be called by a queen high flush that hit the queen for $25 at the same time I got it all in from the big blind over a small blind open with ten to go in the $55 satellite holding AK v the villains AQ with a Queen on the river. After that I called it a night. Played really well but dumped $40 in the last 30 minutes.

In Zen and the Art of Poker he mentions this point and even though I am a math guy I know what he means sometimes the deck turns take that as the time to leave and go to bed or have dinner.

I’ve put £1,000 in my Barclays account from now on that is my bankroll for poker. I have currently in my PartyPoker Account £253.14 and $165 of tournament tickets and £59 on 888 Poker….all poker activity will need to grow from this seed fund.

Bankroll = £920 (£1,000 – £80 Aspers afternoon debacle)

Party Poker = £253.14 Tickets $165

888 Poker = £59

Molly’s Game

Reading Molly’s Game the story of Molly Bloom who ran an LA high-stakes poker game, Toby McGuire doesn’t fare too well in the book but his poker skills seem to be good as he was a winner at the tables.

I’ll finish the review tomorrow

Evening Session Online

Played 2 x $11 satellites for $55 tickets to the DTD £220 tournament £200K Gtd. In the first I folded AK on an AJ8 rainbow flop on the turn having checked the flop. Second hand I had AQ in the BB and got it all in versus a King high flush that got there on the river.  In the second tournament I finished 1st for a $55 ticket.

I also picked up $30 in cash by 9 pm and may do a session later after dinner to see if I can recoup my disastrous -£80 afternoon casino visit.

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