The likelihood a player’s betting reflects the true strength of his hand is proportional to the number of players in the pot.
The more players the less chance he is bluffing
Poker player and bon vivant
The likelihood a player’s betting reflects the true strength of his hand is proportional to the number of players in the pot.
The more players the less chance he is bluffing
Had a girlfriend over and dumped $46 on a semi-bluff after a couple of glasses of Prosecco. It took me down to £202 today watching Chelsea and The Pink Panther Returns I have managed to take my bankroll back over the £300 barrier, just stacked aces with pocket nines for $25 hitting a set on the flop, I re-raised and he insta shipped.
It feels good to be on an upswing closing out for the day and thinking about the £220 888 next week at Aspers. Will look to qualify in the week.
Podcast here where Brian talks about his life and poker.
Read all about it here
Just bought Will Tipton’s books on Heads Up, not sure why as I have one to read already by Collin Moshman from 2010 which I haven’t finished. It has been such a long time I’ll need to start again at the beginning, perhaps I should review Will’s books first as they are only just published and Collin’s was from 2010.
Cash is now at £250 and moving in the right direction, shoved over a raise of 0.75 for $25 with Aces and was called by pocket tens for a nice double up, I was tired of getting done by 2 pair on the river….not the best way to play them.
Thinking of Grand Prix in Cork, but need to qualify first and perhaps there is better value in local events. Cash game festival at Aspers but have guests for the weekend, let’s see what happens may play Sunday.
Playing awfully missing every draw bluffing into the nuts and not barrelling on hands that would have folded…it seems as if every decision is wrong. £147 my graph is in full plummet…it doesn’t look good…I need more study…
Online is a difficult environment and I may be getting exploited based on my stats, it does seem as if the tables have been turned on me.
However perhaps if I review the disastrous hands I would realise that I have beaten myself most of the time.
I’ve just come across Jake Cody’s video blog which has some interesting stuff and is worth a watch pilot episode below
OK still haunted by dumping £230 on a hand with an awful bluff, just terrible play.
I feel the pain and vow to work harder on my mental game and my strategic game.
Currently my account is at £273 from a high of £366 some bad play in there and some bad beats too. Working on getting my $VPIP down to a sensible figure 25-30% and learning to fold, I need to fold more I am a pay off wizard as Esfandiari would say.
I have Positive Poker to listen to on Audible hopefully that will help, I’m sure the Zen of Poker covered most of this ground but I obviously need to work on it a little bit more.
Played 25NL and had some abusive chat without really any provocation, there is nothing missing in this interaction I’ve just deleted the hand information. I think I should disable chat from now on no one needs this…
Lieutenant_OH7: ur a very slow pusssy
VinnyElViper: whatever
Lieutenant_OH7: vinny, do u have a h0rny mom n3gro?
Lieutenant_OH7: Vinny, I really want your moms hairy pusssy…
Lieutenant_OH7: Vinny my boy, you should never be ashamed for ur mom
Lieutenant_OH7: even if she’s hairy…
Lieutenant_OH7: you should change ur name to “slow vinny”
VinnyElViper: sent your chat to support enjoy
Lieutenant_OH7: hahaha he went crying to support, how funny
Lieutenant_OH7: i think vinny is crying atm, hopefully his mom is there to support him
Lieutenant_OH7: vinny do you need a tissue to dry ur tears? haha
I played the local Reading £25 tournament with £20 add on. Played well but with 15BB I had a shove from a 6BB stack in and called with AQs only to be called by the button who had Kings.
Played cash, I had been watching from the sidelines, every pot seemed to involve everyone putting in £2 and playing 7-10 handed. I gave the big speech about how I wasn’t going to be playing mum and pop poker and sat down with £200. Limped 2 callers and cutt-off made it £10 to go. I looked down to find AQ and made it £20, fold, fold and button shoves for an extra £74. He’d just lost half his stack with 10s to a rivered 2pr that should never have got there and this was the next hand, that combined with my speech made me call. I was shown pocket queens and was down almost half my stack on first hand.
Just as I am about to go playing the last hand with a stack of £284 we have a limped pot with 7 players and I look down in the SB with J90 and make it £16 everyone folds to the button who completes. The flop comes KQ rag with no flush draw and I make it £25 and the button min-raises to £50 I call with a gut-shot why I don’t know. The turn is a blank and I shove with just a gutshot. Villain calls and I dump £16+£50+£164 = £230 into AK for an easy call. Why I don’t know I’ll never be a poker player until I can rid myself of this major flaw. It is hard enough to win without donking yourself off for no good reason, had a bad night’s sleep and it was the first thing I thought of when I woke up.
My brother looked at me like I was stupid and he was right, just awful. Never drink and play poker for money, even though I had only had 4 pints it was enough to put me off my game.
I don’t hate poker, I hate the way I play poker…
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