Dreaming of the top whilst playing at the bottom...

Author: VinnyTheViper Page 20 of 36

Poker player and bon vivant

Played £60 Aspers and busted without winning a hand!

Played Aspers arrived late and I never do well if I don’t see the first hand off the deck. I try to ignore this but being a bit OCD I can’t help but notice this strange coincidence.

Interesting hand was where I called a raise on the button from MP and the BB completed, flop came K64 to give my 75 a straight draw and putting a flush draw out there. BB checks, MP checks and I raise 3/4 pot turn is a 6 and both villains check and I again make it 3/4 pot and get two callers. Not good, the river is a King giving a board of K646K and both players check and I bet nearly pot, the BB tanks and finally folds I know he has a 6 but it is for most of his chips then the MP player calls, I was sure he was on a flush draw from my read and he was but somehow thought his ace high was good. Next hand I had a straight flush draw and got it all in 3 way and busted out in under an hour and headed home. I then donked off $120 online at cash playing badly. Next day I recouped the $120 at cash and the following day made a $109 again and for some reason dumped $50 cash with some poor bluffs. Currently have £270 cash and $109 ticket in my account.


Back to Back $109 satellite tickets to the Millions

Two wins in a row 1st place last night and 2nd today…time to win a million…feeling good…

Won a $109 ticket from a $22 satellite to the Millions

Played well and came first, cash went well today played 100NL this morning and made $60 so a pretty good day…now for the next stage…

Don’t muck the winning hand…

It is hard enough winning without mucking the winning hand…

Played £220 888 at Aspers came 35th out of 440 for £540

I played the £220 888 at Aspers and came 35th for £540.

Final hand UTG limper and 3 callers I shove 16BB with AJs and get called by UTG’s KQ0. He puts in half his stack and hits a Queen on the turn to send me to the rail. I  find it frustrating when people limp then call a shove, if he’d raised I may have folded.

I played really well hardly making a mistake but you have to win these flips at the business end of the tournament. First place was £18K and went to a guy I had chatted to before start of day 2, I showed him how I was checking my table on Hendonmob.com and putting their stack sizes down so that I knew where I was from the off.

Getting close, I raised 88 off a 13BB stack and folded to shove from the hijack. I engaged him in chat and he seemed comfortable that combined with his tight image made me fold and I felt certain it was a good fold. After busting I nearly made the exit when I turned around and went back to ask him what he had, “A pair of kings” he said.

Luke Schwartz let’s off some steam….

Luke Schwartz let’s off some steam

Aussie Millions 2017 Final Table – Great Viewing

Great final table at the Aussie Millions and one of the guys at the final table is on his first live cash ever! Poker is a crazy game…


Made it past the £400 barrier at Cash…£400.08….Then it converted it to £399.99

Cashed to £400.08, promised myself that if I could grind to above £400 I would play the £220 888 Aspers tomorrow…watching the Aussie Millions final table 2017…it has been a pleasant evening up and down till finally I stacked a couple of people.

Cash moving forward

Made it to £366 at cash shoved $31 on river over a $10 pot with quad kings and got called by AQ for a full double up. Hard to play quads on the flop out of position but you can never really go wrong shoving the nuts.

Cash Yo Yo – Broke the £300 barrier

Bouncing around on cash went from £290 to £240 and closed the session at £306.

Just as I think I’ve got the  feel of it I make a major mistake. I busted 2400BB with Queens all in pre, I’d justed stacked initial raiser who had rebought. I re-raised on the button the next hand as I had done the previous hand with 67s, the BB raised to $7 and the cut-off shoved his $25 stack. I was sure he was tilted from the previous hand and I re-shoved $60 with QQ assuming the BB had me down as a loose player making a move. Unfortunately he insta called with Kings and the cut-off won with a lucky rivered straight with AQ. A whole nights work blown in one hand, how can I still be making these basic errors when I have studied so much? Lesson learnt, don’t assume anything at the poker table and don’t bet more than required. A simple call would have sufficed or a fold which perhaps given the action is the better play.

Hopefully now I can push on to the £400 barrier. Keen to play the 888 Aspers £88K GTD £220 buy-in on Friday night or Saturday afternoon in Stratford.


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