Dreaming of the top whilst playing at the bottom...

Author: VinnyTheViper Page 19 of 36

Poker player and bon vivant

Macau’s Chun Lei Zhou “samrostan” & “patpatpanda” Lost some money…..

OK so I check highstakesdb.com and see Samrostan is up $54K for the day but his graph shows  a different story down $9.9M.

“Yes, ‘patpatpanda’ is me, ‘samrostan’ is me,”  said Zhou “I played for a long time, and lost some money. Then I changed my account to ‘samrostan.’”

Where do you get $9.9M to lose? Full article here

Interesting article on the biggest whales in poker here

Gambling Addiction in Las Vegas – Get help if this is you…


Final Hand of Aussie Millions – Is this a Hero call or You can’t bluff a donkey?


Congratulations to Anthony Gardner

Anthony Gardner ex footballer took down a £220 at DuskTillDawn for £20K. Met him at Killarney during the WPT and he seemed a fun guy who was enjoying his poker. Well played sir!

Theophratus quote sums up rough night at Aspers

“Time is the most valuable thing a man can spend.”

Well I spent mine playing the £55 (£25) Big Bounty at Aspers. Busted after 6 hands running Kings into Aces then rebought and busted about 10 pm when I was all in with AK versus AJ only for a Jack to hit on the turn. Poker is one awful game.

Home by 10:30 pm £110 lighter that is a good wage for many people, a good steak meal for two with desert and all I got was a waste of my time.

Logged on PartyPoker and stacked QQ with Aces and KK with a turned flush to add £45 to my cash account….so not all bad. This game is a killer so hard to get ahead of the curve.

Life of Cards

Catch “Life of Cards” this series shows a behind the scenes view of modern poker player’s lives

What I did learn is that Vanessa Selbst pays $15 for a bottle of wine so almost as cheap as me and thinks one bottle is enough when guests are coming as “they will bring a bottle”….hmmm and that ElkY can’t afford to live in London and prefers the cheaper Prague…for flat rental at 800 euro a month.



Blackjack – Card Counting and Shuffle tracking – Bringing Down the House

I remember coming across card counting on a BBC documentary whist at college in the early 80’s

Here is how to count cards but you will need shuffle tracking too… Dark Star does a whole course on YouTube



The Run – Archie Karas – This is Vegas

Rolled up kings into aces either a dream or a nightmare

Busted 13th was sitting pretty in 6th place 5 x £550 tickets and 1 x£250 when facing a mid position raise of 6,700 with 90K stack I make it 15,500 with pocket kings and get shoved on by the 83K stack. Aces aghhh and next hand I’m dead when I hit second pair but it wasn’t good enough…played really well.

Played another $109 where some guy got lucky on the turn and set me in when I had top pair on the flop and a flush draw on the turn, I called to find he had bluffed the flop and hit top pair on the turn….didn’t make my flush and was gone.

Cash played awfully….drank too much wine…remember the rules….tomorrow is another day…played so well in the last tournament…..

Interesting interview with Phil Helmuth $25-$50K appearance fee wow…

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