Dreaming of the top whilst playing at the bottom...

Author: VinnyTheViper Page 16 of 36

Poker player and bon vivant

Taking a break

Took a break from poker for a week, missed Friday’s game, I went out with a pretty girl instead…I was planting flowers in the garden “Do you have to be somewhere” she said. “No” I said and had a few beers and a curry with a charming woman.

The cards are always going to  be there. I’ve been studying hence all the SplitSuit videos on my blog, I’m impressed by them and it has made me review my fundamentals and shown me some other plays.

Not sure what my next step is, I did an itinerary for Vegas for the guys and have a copy of Kenny Hallaert’s Vegas spreadsheet. I fancy playing the $1,000 Seniors event, but may try to satellite in.

I have the FA Cup Final next Saturday, England v Barbarians Sunday and then the Play-Off Final Monday.

Apser’s has the 888 next week and as I’m busy all weekend I’ll be unable to play.

Will check perhaps I’ll play something online….but prefer a live game…

Bluff Squeezing Pre-Flop

Value 4-Betting and correct sizing

Playing the Blinds


How to Play a Poker Hand

How to C-Bet – SplitSuit


How to size bets

I see people make a lot of betting mistakes this video tells you all you need to know


How to use Flopzilla

Playing KK on Ace High Flop


How does Phil Ivey do this? Is this a great read or is it just a gambler gambling?

With no draws you are only beating a bluff, how does he make this call?

Comment from the thread nails it IMHO

“I see Ivey’s read like this… Jason squeezed the straddle so he has a pretty wide range of premiums TT+ AQ, AK and bluff type hands like he had. The flop comes out extremely dry with no overcards for ivey, Jason cbets, Ivey check raises. Once Ivey check raises he knows the play for Jason with AA KK QQ is to just call and let Ivey keep barreling while pot controlling at the same time. 4 betting all in by Jason on the flop with AA would severely be overplaying his hand on such a dry board. Once Jason shoves all in he isn’t repping any value at all except sets and that would be hard for him to have as he would likely just call preflop and set mine.’ And who shoves a set there…so what is Jason repping?


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