If you want to be a poker player study hard and apply what you have studied

I’m currently re-reading Oliver Improva Marx’s book “Solving the poker puzzle” but slowly I carry it around and catch a page on a train or bus. If you want to be good put the hours in for every 3 hrs playing have one hour of study. Get to be the best you can be as fast as you can and then play. Don’t do a million hands making the same mistake.

I played a hand with Pak_xxx he raised the cutoff and I re-raised from the button with Q10 the flop came KJ7 monotone and I shoved pot size with my straight draw to put him all in and he called with 33. I thought it was a bad call but then I realised I’m never shoving anything there but air and draws and my play was bad. I told him in chat he was only beating bluffs but he knew that and realised that was mainly what I had. If I’d bet a 3rd pot I’m sure he’d have folded….